The health articles on this website are provided for information purposes only and NOT intended as medical advice. The information provided should NOT be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem and disease. You should always consult your health care provider for matters related to your health. Health information and screening guidelines in the CCHRC articles are based on recommendations from national health organizations such as the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services and/or US Preventive Services Task Force. The information contained in the health articles may not necessarily reflect what may be reported by the media.
With today’s advanced technology comes an overflow of information on the Internet. It can therefore be overwhelming to find health information that is reliable and specific to one’s culture and personal needs. CCHRC is therefore proud to provide a vast variety of health information that is precise, updated, and linguistically and culturally sensitive to the Chinese community. The Center houses a collection of professionally developed and bilingual health education material in its wellness library. CCHRC’s health newsletters and articles are written and complied by its staff upon extensive research, edited and approved by physicians of the Chinese Hospital Health System. You can rely on CCHRC when it comes to learning about your health.
Educational material development process
When planning and developing health education materials, CCHRC adopts the following comprehensive and inclusive steps:
Step 1: Educational topics are selected based on national trends and ongoing suggestions from healthcare providers, patients, CCHRC program participants, and other community members.
Step 2: After topics have been determined, CCHRC health education staff develops the English material based on current literature. The English material is then reviewed by healthcare providers based on the topic area for clinical accuracy. Feedback is then incorporated into the English material before finalization.
Step 3: The finalized English material is then translated into Chinese by a CCHRC staff member who is an Associate member of the American Translators Association. The Membership Number can be provided upon request.
Step 4: The Chinese translation is field-tested (i.e. focus group, individual interviews) with the Chinese community, including patients and lay people, and their feedback is incorporated into the finalized Chinese material before dissemination. All Chinese translations are written at approximately 6th-grade level.
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