

要廣泛傳播研究中所得到的結論知識,其中一個途徑就是將這些研究結果發行在被同行閲覽的專業刊物裏。研究結果能夠在這些刊物上刊登,表明我們的研究方法以及對結論的詮釋是合理的,並得到同行研究人員的認同。同時,在這些刊物上刊登研究也能讓其他研究員有機會驗證該研究的結果。將研究結果呈現出來的過程本身就是科學研究的根本。無論研究人員還是大衆都可能得到這些刊物,内中的資訊來源也被視爲是很可信的。以下是「華人社區健康資源中心」近期完成的研究成果的刊物。各項研究刊物的一覽表將 很快會列出。



Nouri, S., Li, L., Huang, C., Chung, A., Stokes, S. C., Pan, S., Wong, E. C., Newman, J., Woo, J. W., Cheng, J., Tan, C. H., Wertz, M., Wood-Hughes, E., Quinn, M., Pantilat, S. Z., Lyles, C. R., Ritchie, C. S., & Sudore, R. L. (2023). “At the end I have a say”: Engaging the Chinese Community in Advance Care Planning. Journal of pain and symptom management, S0885-3924(23)00617-6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2023.07.017


Sun, A., Bui, Q., Tsoh, J., Gildengorin, G., Chan, J., Cheng, J., Lai, K., McPhee, S., & Nguyen, T. Effaicacy of a Church-based, Culturally Tailored Program to Promote Completion of Advance Directives among Asian Americans. J Immigrant Minority Health, 2016 April, doi: 10.1007/s10903-016-0365-7



Hiatt, R. A., Sibley, A., Venkatesh, B., Cheng, J., Niharika Dixit, N., Fox, R., ing, P.,  Nguyen, T., Oh, D.,  Palmer, N. R., Pasick, R. J., Potter, M. B., Somsouk, M., Vargas, R. A., Vijayaraghavan, M. & Ashworth, A. (2022). Cancer Epidemiology to Policy and Practice: the Role of a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Current Epidemiology Reporthttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40471-021-00280-7.


Sun, A., Cheng, J., Dang, J. H.T., Cuaresma, C.,  Valdez-Dadia, A., Mesia, R. J., Lo, P., Chow, E. A., Ho, V., Nguyen, T. T., Chen, Jr., M. S. Incorporating cultural values and use of technology platforms may help outreach Asian Americans in cancer clinical trial participation. International Journal of Healthcare, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2018, e-Version First.  https://doi.org/10.5430/ijh.v4n2p34 .


Sun, A., Tsoh, J. Y., Tong, E.K., Cheng, J., Chow, E. A., Stewart, S. L., & Nguyen,  T.T.  A Physician-Initiated Intervention to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Chinese Patients. Cancer. 2018 Apr 1;124 Suppl 7:1568-1575. doi: 10.1002/cncr.31287. PMID: 29578594


Edrington, J., Sun, A., Wong, C., Dodd, M., Padilla, G., Paul, S., & Miaskowski, C.  A Pilot Study of Relationships between Pain Characteristics, Mood Disturbances, and Acculturation in a Community Sample of Chinese American Patients with Cancer.  Oncology Nursing Forum, 2010 Mar, 37(2): 172-181 PMID: 20189922


Sun, A., Kessell, E. R., Tsoh, J. Y., Chan, J. and Chang, J.  (2013). Can Preschoolers be Health Messengers to Promote Breast Health among Chinese Americans? Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 11(3): 74-79.


Edrington, J., Sun, A., Wong, C., Dodd, M., Padilla, G., Paul, S., & Miaskowski, C.  Barriers to Pain Management in a Community Sample of Chinese American Patients with Cancer.  Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.  2009 Apr;37(4):665-75 PMCID: PMC2688466


Sun, A., Zhang, J., Tsoh, J., Wong-Kim, E., Chow, E. (2007). The effectiveness in utilizing Chinese media to promote breast health among Chinese women. Journal of Health Communication. 12:157-171.


Wong-Kim, E., Sun, A., Merighi, J., Chow, E. (2005). Understanding quality-of-life issues in Chinese women with breast cancer: A qualitative investigation. Cancer Control. December.


Sun, A., Wong-Kim, E., Stearman, S., Chow, E.A. Quality of Life in Chinese Patients with Breast Cancer, 2005, 104 (12 Suppl), 2952-2954.


Wong-Kim, E., Sun, A., DeMattos, M.C. (2003). Assessing cancer beliefs in a Chinese immigrant community. Cancer Control. Sept/Oct. 10(5): 22-28.



Sun, A., Cheng, J., Bui, Q. Liang, Y., Ng., T., & Chen, J. L. Home-based and technology-centered childhood obesity prevention for Chinese mothers with pre-school age children. J Transcultural Nursing, 2017 July, DOI: 10.1177/1043659617719139 



Cheng J, Tsoh JY, Guan A, Luu M, Nguyen IV, Tan R, Thao C, Yu E, Lor D, Pham M, Choi J, Kim M, Stewart SL, Burke NJ. Engaging Asian American Communities During the COVID-19 Era Tainted With Anti-Asian Hate and Distrust. Am J Public Health. 2022 Sep 15:e1-e5. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2022.306952. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36108257.


Karliner LS, Ponce A, Nguyen TT, Kaplan CP. The Impact of COVID-19: Multiethnic Older Adults and the Community-Based Organizations Serving Them, Policy Implications. The Center for Aging in Diverse Communities and the Multiethnic Health Equity Research Center, University of California San Francisco. March 2021.



Sun, A., Tsoh, J., Saw, A., Chan, J., Cheng, J. Effectiveness of a Culturally Tailored Diabetes Self-Management Program for Chinese Americans. Diabetes Educator Journal, 2012 Sept, 38(5). Epub Ahead of Print. PMID: 22722610


King, G.L. McNeely, M.J., Thorpe, L.E., Mau, M.K., Ko, J., Liu, L.L., Broitman, L.M., Sun, A., Hsu, W.C., Chow, E.A. Understanding and Addressing Unique Needs of Diabetes in Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Diabetes Care Journal. 2012 May, 33(5): 1181-1188. PMID: 22517939



Duke, M. R., Sun, A., Fleisher, P. Gallegos-Castillo, A., LeSarre, M., Cheng, J.,  Young, K. Pletcher, M. J. Nguyen, T. T. & Jih, J. (2023). Institutionalizing community-engaged translational science in an academic Institution: A community stakeholder-driven process. Progress in Community Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. Online Publication.