美国华盛顿州西雅图老年学会 2024 年年度科学会议议程摘要“韧性因素”
美国国家科学院, 工程与医学 (NASEM) 特邀专题演讲嘉宾
美国公共卫生协会 (APHA)
美国公共卫生协会 (APHA) Poster
行为医学学会第四十二届年会 (SBM)*
*Citation Awardee
尼古丁和烟草研究协会 (SRNT)
美国公共卫生协会 (APHA)
2019 – 过去
- Sun, A., Bui Q., Tsoh J.Y., Nguyen T.T., McPhee S.J., Gildengorin V, Lai, K., Cheng, J., Chan, J. Advance Care Planning among Chinese and Vietnamese Americans Who Attend Churches. American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA. 2012. Oral Presentation.
- Sun, A., Bui Q., Tsoh J.Y., Nguyen T.T., McPhee S.J., Gildengorin V, Lai, K., Cheng, J., Chan, J. Advance Directives Completion among Asian American Church Communities. 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities: Building a Healthier Society, Integrating Science, Policy, and Practice, National Harbor, MD. 2012.(accepted for presentation)
- Sun, A., Bui Q., Tsoh J.Y., Nguyen T.T., McPhee S.J., Gildengorin V, Lai, K., Cheng, J., Chan, J. Advance Directives Completion among Asian American Church Communities. The 16th Conference on Health Care of the Chinese in North America. New York, NY. 2012.
- Sun, A., Bui., Q, Nguyen, T., Tsoh, J., Lai, K., & Cheng, J. (2011, May). The Process of Establishing and sustaining a partnership between Academia and Community. Poster Session at International Institute on Partnerships, Portland, OR.
- Sun, A. Patient Barriers to Pain Management in Community Samples of Chinese American Patients with Cancer.BIT’s 5th Annual World Cancer Congress “Hand-in-Hand for Caring,” Beijing, China. 2012. Invited Panel Speaker.
- Sun, A., Tsoh, J., Cheng, J., Nguyen, T, McPhee, S., Yee, B. & Chow, E.A. (2011, May). Chinese Colorectal (CRC) Research Project: Physician-Initiated Intervention Project. Poster Session at CU Expo 2011: Community-University Partnership-Bringing Global Perspectives to Local Action, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada.
- Sun, A. (2011, April). Effective Outreach Education Strategies to Promote Cancer Screening. Keynote Speaker at 2011 XuZhou International Oncology Forum, XuZhou, China.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Joyce Chen, BS. Recruitment of Screening Mammography for Underserved Chinese Women in San Francisco. 11th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved & Cancer Cancer Education Resources Program. ICC- Intercultural Cancer Council, 2008.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Janice Tsoh, PhD, Joyce Chen, BS, Edward A. Chow, MD. Breast Health Education Promotion Through Young Children’s Theatrical Performance. APHA: 2008 Annual Meeting & Exposition in San Diego, CA, 2008.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Jian Zhang, RN, MS, CFNP, Janice Tsoh, PhD, Evaon Wong-Kim, PhD, MSW, MPH, Edward Chow, MD. The Effectiveness in Utilizing Chinese Media to Promote Breast Health among Chinese Women. The Journal of Health Communication, 2007.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Sarah Stearman, MPH, RD, Edward A. Chow, MD. Issues Related to US Chinese Women with Breast Cancer and Outreach Methods. International Symposium on Breast Cancer, Tianjin, China, 2005.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Evaon Wong-Kim, PhD, Sarah Stearman, MPH, and Edward A. Chow, MD. Quality Of Life In Chinese Patients With Breast Cancer. The 12 th Conference on Health Care of the Chinese in North America, San Francisco, 2004.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Evaon Wong-Kim, PhD, Sarah Stearman, MPH, and Edward A. Chow, MD. Men’s Health Day: An Opportunity For Monolingual Chinese Men To Receive Early Cancer Detection Messages. The 12 th Conference on Health Care of the Chinese in North America, San Francisco, 2004.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Jian Q.Zhang, RN, MS, FNP. An Effective Method in Promotion of Message on Breast Health to the API Community. American Public Health Association 130 th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, 2002.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Evaon Wong-Kim, PhD. Cancer Attitude: A Community Approach to Health Education. Midyear Scientific Meeting, Society for Public Health Education, Seattle, Washington, 2001.
- Brenda Yee, RN, MSN, Angela Sun, MPH, PhD, Jian Zhang, MS, RN, CDE, FNP, Yvonne Liang, MS, RD, Lena Chan, RN, Joyce Cheng, MS, Edward Chow, MD.Diversity Rx: Seventh National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations: Improving health care for culturally diverse populations: A new place on the national agenda. in Baltimore, MD, 2010.
- Yee, B., Chow, E.A., Awsare, S., Sun, A., Samples, D., Zhang, J., Liang, Y., Chan, L., & Cheng, J. (2010, October). A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Chronic Disease Education Management: Providing linguistically and culturally competent chronic disease education management program for Chinese patients with limited English proficiency in the San Francisco Bay Area. Poster Session at Seventh National Conference Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace, Baltimore, MD.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Edward A. Chow, MD, Joyce Chen, BS. Diabetes Self-Management: A Cultural Approach. Federation of Chinese American and Chinese Canadian Medical Societies 14th Conference on Health Care of the Chinese in North American, Toronto, Canada, 2008.
- Sun, A. Challenges and Barriers in Diabetes Management among Chinese Americans. 2011 State of the Sciences Conference, Diabetes in Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2011. Invited Panel Speaker.
- Angela Sun, PhD, MPH, Edward A. Chow, MD, Joyce Cheng, MS. Culturally Appropriate Education and Social Support Helps Chinese Immigrants With Diabetes Improve Knowledge, Self-Management Confidence, and Blood Glucose Control. Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality Innovations Exchange.2010.
- Sun, A., Cheng, J., Chan, J., Chow, E.A. Chinese Community eHealth Day as a venue to introduce in-language health information and Technology trends among the older (50+) Chinese immigrant population. American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC, 2011.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Evaon Wong-Kim, PhD, Sarah Stearman, MPH, and Edward A. Chow, MD. Increasing Access To Health Education Materials For Chinese With Limited English Proficiency Via The Internet. The 12 th Conference on Health Care of the Chinese in North America, San Francisco, 2004.
- Liu, M., Ng, T., Chen, M., Jue, L., Tsang, A., Chan, J. L., Cheng, J., Sy, A., and Sun, A. Public Health Youth Leadership Academy Program. Roundtable Session. 2015 American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago, IL
- Sun, A. & Cheng J. (2010, October). A Qualitative Study– Art of Mind, From art to health: Health-related needs assessment through art expressions among Asian youth. Oral Session presented at Seventh National Conference Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace, Baltimore, MD.
- Sun, A., Chan, J., Cheng, J., Wong, D. Multilingual Children’s eBook and Apps: A Tool to Promote Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Reporting in Asian American Communities. 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities: Building a Healthier Society, Integrating Science, Policy, and Practice, National Harbor, MD. 2012. (accepted for presentation)
- Angela Sun, MPH, PhD, Joyce Chen, BS, Diana L Wong, PsyD, MFT, Edward Chow, MD. Child Sexual Abuse Education and Prevention Campaign via Bilingual (English & Chinese) Children Storybook for Children Ages 5-8. APHA: 2009 Annual Meeting & Exposition in Philadelphia, PA, 2009.
- Angela Sun, MPH, Edmond Tsoi, MD, Sarah Stearman, MPH, RD, Edward A. Chow, MD. Perception of Family Violence in the Chinese Community. American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005.
- Cheng, J., Chan, J., Sun, A., Tsoh, J., Muñoz, R., Wong, C., Bassiri, K., & Serrano-Quan C. A Culturally Competent Internet Stop Smoking Program for Chinese Smokers: The Chinese Community Internet Stop Smoking Project Experience. Poster presented at the Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP)/ California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) Joint Conference “Linking Tobacco Control Research & Practice for a Healthier California,” Sacramento, CA. 2012.
- Chan, J., Cheng, J., Sun, A., Tsoh, J., Muñoz, R., Wong, C., Bassiri, K., & Serrano-Quan C. Recruitment of Chinese American Smokers for an Internet Stop Smoking Program. Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP)/ California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) Joint Conference “Linking Tobacco Control Research & Practice for a Healthier California,” Sacramento, CA. 2012.
- Tsoh J., Sun, A., Chan, J., Cheng, J., Muñoz, R., Wong, C., Bassiri, K., & Serrano-Quan C. The Chinese Community Internet Stop Smoking Project: The Community-Academic Partnership. Tobacco Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP)/ California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) Joint Conference: Linking Tobacco Control Research & Practice for a Healthier California. Sacramento, CA. 2012.
- Sun, A., Tsoh, J., Cheng, J., Chan, J., Muñoz, R., Wong, C., Bassiri, K., Serrano-Quan C. Can the Internet be used as a platform for Chinese smokers to quit smoking? 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health: Towards a Tobacco-Free World: Planning Globally, Acting Locally. Singapore. 2012.